
Dr. Peter Levine über die Arbeit mit Traumata und Somatic Experiencing:

Dr. Peter Levine describes working his way through a personal traumatic experience.

Dr. Peter Levine über Somatic Experiencing und Polyvagale Theorie:

In this video, you will learn about the physiological basis of trauma and how Somatic Experiencing® (SE™), developed by Peter A. Levine, PhD, helps distressed individuals recover a sense of well being, stability and vitality.

Dr. Peter Levine über die Schaffung von Sicherheit für Trauma-Patienten:

Peter Levine, PhD, offers 2 body-oriented techniques that clients can use to make themselves feel safe outside of your session. These are simple methods that you can immediately add to your toolbox for the treatment of trauma. There are several psychotherapy techniques that can help clients with a trauma history feel more secure.

Ale Duarte über Trauma-Heilung bei Kindern:

This is a method of helping children reorganize and rebalance the autonomic nervous system at the biological/survival level after being overwhelmed following a traumatic or stressful event. It is based upon the realization that human beings have an innate ability to overcome the effects of stress & trauma.

Ale Duarte über die Arbeit mit Somatic Experiencing nach einem Erdbeben in Japan:

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner Ale Duarte works with children, teachers, and aid workers in Japan following the 2011 natural disasters. Games and guided forms of play create awareness and therapy for the human body's response to trauma.

Dr. Peter Levine über das “Lebensflussmodell”:

Peter's current view on the Stream of Life.